Managing Your DUI and Alcohol-Related Issues
Can you afford the money and time losses associated with a DUI offense?
Do you struggle with anger issues that lead to negative consequences?
Are racing thoughts, anxiety, and insomnia keeping you awake?
An estimated 4 million U.S. adults reported driving under the influence of alcohol at least once in 2010, yielding an estimated 112 million alcohol-impaired driving episodes. Men accounted for 81 percent of these incidents.
Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Do you want to learn how to prevent a DUI arrest?
Do you know if you are at risk for alcohol and/or drug-related violation(s)?
Do you want to learn how to avoid timely and unnecessary hassles if you are arrested for a DUI offense?
Do you want to learn how to save hundreds or thousands of dollars if you are arrested for an alcohol and/or drug-related offense?
Do you want to learn how to decrease the anguish, shame, and guilt you may feel if you are arrested for a DUI offense?